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As many of you will know, a documentary of this size and scale is not inexpensive. It will only be through donations that the story of both Thomas Mesereau and the people he defended can be completed. It is a story that is long overdue to be told, and one that will shed light onto the most famous criminal cases of our day.

What will your contribution help to fund:

- Video and audio production team to record on-site interviews
- Travel expenses for filmed interviews and meetings.
- Legal expenses to secure proper licensing and the right to certain video clips.
- Video and audio editing.
- A comprehensive, International marketing and PR campaign (live and digital) that will make it impossible for audiences, targeted and otherwise, to ignore.
- Distribution, locally and internationally.


Pledge $1,000 or more

Receive on-screen credit at the end of the film as one of the Associate Producers. This credit will also be accorded you on all packaging and advertising, including on the film's IMDb page. If requested and supplied, your company's logo will appear in the end credits and all advertising. Of course, you will receive the documentary of the CD.

Pledge $5,000

Receive on-screen credit at the start and end of the film as one of the Executive Producers. This credit will also be accorded you on all packaging and advertising, including on the film's IMDb page. If requested and supplied, your company's logo will appear in the end credits, on packaging and in all advertising. Of course, you will receive the documentary of the CD.

Disclaimer: Tom Meserau has no invested financial interest in this documentary nor will he receive any direct or indirect compensation for it.


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