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Mesereau "Man of the Times" Film

Breaking News: Filmmakers Daryl M. Brooks and Stephen J. Martino will be producing famed lawyer Thomas Mesereau documentary, Mesereau "Man of the Times". Thomas Mesereau is arguably one of the most famous lawyers of the 21th century. The Guardian called him “Mesereau the magician”, while Barbara Walters named him one of the year's "Ten Most Fascinating People”. His repertoire of clients reads like a Who’s Who list of the rich and famous and include such notable celebrities as Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Robert Blake, and Mike Tyson. In the upcoming documentary, Mesereau: Man of the Times, filmmakers Daryl M. Brooks and Stephen J. Martino take an in depth look at Mesereau’s life and illustrious career. From his charitable endeavors defending the poor and disenfranchised such as Odell Marzette and MacLaine Davis to his legal representation of Michael Jackson against the alleged child molestation charges, this documentary will exemplify why Thomas Meserea